saboteurweb.com sysadmin
Group: Admin
Posts: 320
Member No.: 1
Joined: 8-October 02

Hey y'all, the server has been just a tad unstable lately. Databases crashing, networks dropping... Not too healthy. If you get an error about a missing database, try to refresh once or twice. If it still fails, I need to resurrect it which might take a few hours if I'm not at home. But I'm not gone, so don't you forget about me...
I'll likely do some upgrading in about a month's time that should fix all this instability. Meanwhile, bear with me.
-------------------- "Unrequited love. It's fantastic, because it never has to change, it never has to grow up and it never has to die!"
- saboteur .. sabot909@gmail.com .. https://www.saboteurweb.com/ | https://www.saboteurweb.com |