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Demodir update
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Posted: Sep 29 2007, 05:39 PM

saboteurweb.com sysadmin

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What? Why so surprised? Just because I haven't released any music in a full year doesn't mean I can't do the odd demodir update. Ermm.. well yes, it is pretty strange isn't it, who am I kidding.

I'm starting to feel like I've lost my touch entirely. You know, I wasn't ever very good as it were, but at least when I worked the tracker daily or even weekly, I occasionally got something finished as well, and it wasn't always that bad either! Now, it seems I've forgotten about all my samples and where they are. I used to know this shit by heart, I could've told you where I had three choices of claps suited best for funk and another ten for other genres, down to the filename, even if you'd just woken my ass up from the deepest sleep phase in the wee morning hours, just like that. Snap.

Now? Well... I kind of scavenge for the few non-useless useful sounds I've collected between two directories comprising mostly useless trash. Not to mention I'm totally going around in circles melodywise, just recycling what I've done before. Quite commonly even going through the old rejects-folders, hoping to revive something. Well there's certainly a reason why the folders are called "rejects", but my skills have deteriorated to the point I'm starting to see those tracks in a whole new light.

Having now wasted 3 valuable minutes of your time reading my inane emo drivel, I don't see any reason to not waste 3 more listening to the actual demodir update. (Yes, that was the title of this post, wasn't it?)

Flexamination is just a couple of patterns dragged out to 1:35. The point here was in trying to create a beat that would sound good without that ridiculous layering I always do, which does make for a more textured sound, but completely takes the "oomph" out of it at the same time.

Go on get out is a beat. It will take you more time to finish reading this somewhat superfluous run-on sentence than to listen through the 8 seconds that the beat lasts (and that's just 1 pattern repeating twice, so it's really 4 seconds of music). If you had to look up "superfluous", you already spent so much time on this you might as well have skipped it entirely in favor of...

Yeah ok, which is a fair 2 and a half minutes of music! Well, don't get your hopes up, it's not really new - something I picked up from the demodir actually, from 2003. The original version ended at 53 seconds, but upon stumbling on the track one day I kind of figured, hey, maybe I should finish this. So I added a lead and repeated some patterns. I still think I might be on to something, but I wasn't really inspired enough to really finish it. Then again, I might just be delusional and the track is a waste of time. But I felt like writing something on my site so I figured, hey, let's render this down so I'll have some "content", as they say. I heard it's all the rage in these new Web2.0-sites nowadays, so I might give it a go?

Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week! *nimbly dodges the inevitable shower of rotten tomatoes*

"Unrequited love. It's fantastic, because it never has to change, it never has to grow up and it never has to die!"

- saboteur
.. sabot909@gmail.com
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Posted: Nov 13 2007, 10:27 PM

Occasional Poster

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Posts: 16
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Joined: 23-October 02

First post!! wink.gif

this one in finnish only! sorry! smile.gif

Nää sun uutiset alkaa oleen jo komiikan puolella kun sarkastisesti sätit itteäs ja musiikkias! biggrin.gif Mutta pitäähän sun pohjimmiltas itekkin tunnustaa se todellinen tosiasia, että todellakin sä olet >>kehittyny!<< Okei, unohetaan getout.ogg... tai yeahok.ogg.... Mutta kuunnellaan flexam2.oggia! aivan loistavaa jälkeä todellakin! kuhan olisit saannut siihen vain hieman lisää sisältöä, eikä olis jäänny vain pinnalle liruttelemaan! Muista kans, että mähän tunnen Mirvan, joka mielellään vois kokeilla tehä biisin tai kaks sun kanssa ja saada laulua sun biiseihin! Se tekeekin paljon musiikkia siltäpohjalta, että joku antaa sille pätkän alkua.. pohjaa.. ja se tekee siihen enempi sisältö... enempi melodiaa tai vivahteita sinne kenties. Ja ootko edes kuunnellu sitä Sebastien Tellierin - La Ritournelle biisiä? Kuuntele nyt! -> http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sebastien+tellier&search=Search

ja btw. tän koko roskan oon nyt kirjottanu kahteen kertaan, kun menin hemmetti sulkeen tän tabin äsken vahingossa!! argh! biggrin.gif

It just said something like: KeepUpTheGoodWork! wink.gif
1 replies since Sep 29 2007, 05:39 PM Track this topic | Email this topic | Print this topic

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